Monday, April 2, 2012

Week Thirteen in Review

So I got behind a bit - that's what losing a weekend to work will do for you.  I wrote this post on the airplane yesterday but was too tired to email it to myself and the post when I got home. :-)

This was a weird week for me. Lots of business to attend to before hitting the road for work. Monday and Tuesday were quite productive so I didn't feel frazzled leaving town. That was such an answer to prayer. The pre-conference session was a bit of a waste of time but the rest of the conference was beneficial. I got to hear about a lot of research that was downright fascinating and will be things that could possibly be implemented in Ga. I was impressed with the number of young investigators whose research was highlighted at the sessions. That doesn't happen often at professional conferences so it was quite refreshing.

Food wise it wasn't a great week - being out of town doesn't always bode well for healthy eating. Gotta get back on the serious bandwagon both seriously eating healthy and exercising. My Wii is on the fritz so I am looking for some good exercise DVD recommendations that I might be able to pick up on the sale rack at Amazon or Target. Jillian Michaels is probably a little much but other ideas are welcome.  I'd love to walk outdoors in my neighborhood but until the pollen lets up, breathing wins over exercise.  Feel free to leave comments on any DVDs you would recommend.

Spiritually, I got a little bit behind but managed to catch up this morning before my flight. Of course, it helped that the last bit if catching up to do was second favorite book of the Bible. I want to do more reading on the concept of kinsmen redeemer but something struck me this morning. Boaz was a part of Naomi's lineage, not necessarily Ruth's. Maybe it doesn't matter, but if it does, that make the story even more precious. Yet another example of God taking care of widows. Of course it also reminds me of Mandi Mapes' music. That's always a bonus!  If you are not familiar with Mandi, you must check her out on iTunes.  She is one fantastic musician!

I also have two book reviews to get posted. One was good, one was excellent (a must read for anyone working with kids).  I have one completely written, I just can't find where the piece of paper is.  I had hoped to post it while out of town but the slow Internet at my hotel prevented that.  On that note, why do really expensive hotels make you pay for Internet?  I'm paying over $150/night for a bed and a shower and I have to pay $7.95/night for Internet.  It's free down the street at the Comfort Inn.  I just don't get it and I have yet to hear a good explanation from anyone in the business.

I did have two pretty good flights. Stayed relatively calm even through a good bit of turbulence.  On my next flight in a week, I may try to cut my meds dosage. Of course I ran into some stupid people who felt the need to bring everything they own with them. Seriously, unless you are connecting to Africa, you can leave that junk at home. Also got behind lady with not one but TWO water bottles she sent through her bag at TSA. Seriously!?  Where have you been living the past five years?  Under a rock?  She actually got testy with the agent saying she could take them last time she flew. To his credit, the TSA agent didn't embarrass her, he just seized them. One of Airtran's flight attendants told me that a few weeks ago she had an gentleman ask if he could go see the cockpit after the plane was in the air. He told her he'd done it as a kid. She politely told him it was against FAA regs. These are examples of reasons I could never do either of those jobs, stupidity annoys me greatly and sarcasm is frowned    upon :-)

More next week...should be on regular Saturday posting schedule for at least two weeks.

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