Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

We had an amazing worship gathering tonight at the Brook. Before tonight, I had never had the opportunity to participate in a Palm Sunday service. I think pieces of David's sermon were written especially for me. He is such a communicator of God's Word and the strength of today's message was huge. I'm not even sure I can completely do it justice. Just the reminder that the God of the universe gave His Son for my sins and that Jesus can handle any worry, problem, grief, issue etc. that I can throw just blows my mind. In this huge season of uncertainty for me, I know where my assurance lies. Talk about a peaceful thought.

As for the palms, our worship staff ordered thousands of palm branches and we had a time of contemplative prayer and then were asked to get a palm branch of our own. Once everyone had their palm, we sang Chris Tomlin's "Glory in the Highest" and then another one who's name escapes me. We also had a responsive reading from Psalm 118. It was so cool to see people worshipping and praising with palm branches lifted high. It was a small glimpse of what it must have been like 2,000 years ago when Jesus entered the city. Such a cool time of worship!!

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