Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thoughts on PCC

So, last Sunday evening I drove myself over to Greater Atlanta Christian School for the service of Passion City Church. I was excited and a little nervous about what the experience would be like. I enjoy Louie Giglio's talks and love Chris Tomlin so I didn't want to be disappointed. Right now, PCC is meeting in various locations around ATL until their facilities are renovated. GACS has a nice gym facility they are letting PCC rent. So, that was the environment for Sunday night's service. Because of the large numbers of people fighting to get into the parking lot, the service started about 20 minutes late. The musical worship was incredible, though a bit like a concert. Not Tomlin's fault by any stretch of the imagination, just the result of 2000 people in a gym praising the Lord. :-) I've since discovered that one of the songs we were singing that was new to me was straight out of II Corinthians. I want to find the song again because it was a really cool song.

Louie's message was out of Psalm 121. While it was a great message, it wasn't exactly the "meaty" message I'm used to. There was nothing wrong with it and there were parts that really touched my heart but there just wasn't the depth I've grown accustomed to with David Platt's teaching. Again, not Louie's fault that I've been exposed to a level of preaching few others can attain to. :-)

All that being said, I wasn't exactly disappointed, I just wasn't overly thrilled. As I told a friend Sunday night on the way home, I can't put my finger exactly on why I am unsettled, I just know I am. Since PCC doesn't meet this coming weekend (another problem in my book), I've decided to try out another place here in town. I'll keep you posted on that one.

Please understand, I am NOT slamming PCC - it is a great ministry and will reach many people in this city and around the world. It just isn't what I'm looking for.

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