I finished reading the book of Romans yesterday and I have decided it is one of the best books in the entire Bible if not the best. This isn't the first time I've read all the way through it but I had some new insights from it this go around. Romans really is a perfect book to use with sharing the Gospel. You could easily tell a questioning person to read through Romans and then sit down and talk through it. From Chapter 1 to Chapter 16, it is full of great wisdom and guidance for the whole Christian walk, from beginning to end. It begins with a great outline in 1:16-17 - I AM NOT ASHAMED of the Gospel...what great words! Salvation for EVERYONE who believes. Not acts, not tries hard enough, not is good enough, not prays enough, everyone who believes. What other religion offers that kind of promise. Then there is the beauty of Chapter 3. While it starts out very heavy, the transition in verse 21 with the word "but" should make everyone shout praise the Lord from the rooftops. The majesty continues into Chapter 8:1-2 when Paul says there is now NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus and on to vs. 14-15, we have not received a spirit of fear but a spirit of adoption. (Can I get an amen?) Verses 28-32 are an awesome promise to the Christ-follower. He is continuing to work in us. The instructions continue as the rest of the chapters outline how we as Christ followers are to act. This whole book is an instruction manual for how to live a Christ-like life and how to glorify Christ with our lives.
I would highly encourage anyone who hasn't read Romans all the way through to give it a try and see what God will show to you. It is such an amazing 16 chapters of truth! And speaking of glorifying God, I want to close with a John Piper quote that I thought was cool when I came across it a little while ago in my quiet time:
"Salvation is not a ground for boasting of our worth to God. It is an occasion for self-abasement and joy in the glorious grace of God on our behalf - a grace that never depends on our distinctives, but flows from God's overwhelming concern to mangify His own glory on behalf of His people." -John Piper, Desiring God
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